The Netherland-America Foundation (NAF) is looking to fund exhibitions, performances, publications, and research promoting a high level of artistic and intellectual exchange between the United States and the Netherlands. Both emerging artists and established organizations are welcome to apply!
To best help the committee make decisions, please include visual elements when relevant.
The Cultural Committee meets four times per year to assess applications. You can submit either a letter of intent or full application. Please submit your letter and budget in English.
What's the difference between a letter of intent and application?
- A letter of intent is encouraged if the project is at least 9 months or more away from the projected start date. It is not a mandatory step in the application process. If the Cultural Committee is interested in the project, the applicant will be invited to submit a full grant application, but this will not guarantee an award.
- Applications must be submitted at least 6 months before the grant is needed to ensure proper consideration. Proposals for projects that are already underway, or have been concluded at the time of the review, are not funded. Organizations or individuals who have recently received funding should wait three years before re-applying.
- February 1
Submissions considered when submitted between November 2 - February 1. Results provided in mid-March.
- May 1
Submissions considered when submitted between February 2 - May 1. Results provided in mid-June.
- August 1
Submissions considered when submitted between May 2 - August 1. Results provided in mid-September.
- November 1
Submissions considered when submitted between August 2 and November 1. Results provided in mid-December.
The Dutch2USA Internship Grant offers support to high-achieving and low-income Dutch students to intern in the United States. The grant provides financial support through a monthly stipend, travel refund, and visa coverage so you can attain experiential work experience in the US without financial worry. Over 150 students from Dutch universities have received support of the Dutch2USA grant- and a life-changing experience!
Deadlines to apply: March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31
To qualify for an award, the following minimum requirements apply:
- You must be 20 years or older when starting your internship
- You are studying at, or a recent graduate of, a Dutch college or university (HBO or WO); if a recent graduate, your internship start date must be no more than 1 year after your graduation date due to visa guidelines
- You are Dutch and at least one of the following applies to you: You hold Dutch citizenship, you are a permanent resident of the Netherlands (Verblijfsvergunning II, III, IV, or V), or you have attended at least 2 years of high school in the Netherlands (MAVO, HAVO, VWO, or gymnasium)
- You are from a low-income background and do not have the means to afford an internship in the US, with proof in the application that you receive or have received aanvullende beurs
- You are high-achieving and your grade average is at least 7.0/10.0
- You have either secured an internship or are in the process of applying for an internship and can show proof of having applied to four American companies
- Your knowledge of English is sufficient
- Your internship complies with the requirements of the US government for a J-1 visa and you will not be interning under the ESTA
Submitting an application does not automatically guarantee acceptance to this program and final decisions are made by an independent internship selection committee.
The USA2Holland Internship Grant provides funding for high-achieving and low-income American college students to intern in Netherlands. The grant provides up to $10,000 in direct financial support through a monthly stipend, travel reimbursement, and visa support so you can attain this once-in-a-lifetime experience without financial worry.
This application is for applicants interested in a summer internship only (up to 90 days). If you wish to pursue an internship longer than 3 months, please submit an application for the Career Internship.
To qualify for an award, the following minimum requirements apply:
- You are registered as a full-time student at an American college or university or a recent graduate
- You will not take time off from your academic schedule to complete the internship
- Without this grant, you do not have sufficient financial resources to fund your internship and you can show proof of receiving a Pell grant
- You are 20 years or older on the date you submit your application
- You are motivated to intern for a Dutch company
- Your study results are sufficient to complete the internship (at least 3.0 GPA)
Please note that in the following application, the following documents are requested:
- A letter of recommendation: Provide the email of your reference and a request will be sent directly to them
- Proof of how you are financing your education, such as a screenshot of government aid
- Photo or scan of the ID page of your passport
- Resume
- If you do not have an internship in the Netherlands, you are asked to supply a cover letter to a Dutch company, explaining your interest in acquiring an internship in the Netherlands
- Proof of applying to at least 4 internships in the Netherlands
- Transcript with most recent semester grades
Submitting an application does not automatically guarantee acceptance to this program and final decisions are made by an independent internship selection committee.
The USA2Holland Internship Grant provides funding for high-achieving and low-income American college students to intern in Netherlands. The grant provides up to $10,000 in direct financial support through a monthly stipend, travel reimbursement, and visa support so you can attain this once-in-a-lifetime experience without financial worry.
This application is for applicants interested in an internship longer than 3 months. If you wish to pursue an internship shorter than 3 months, please submit an application for a Summer Internship. Submissions to the Career Internships track are reviewed on a rolling basis.
To qualify for an award, the following minimum requirements apply:
- You are a recent graduate from an American college or university
- Without this grant, you do not have sufficient financial resources to fund your internship and can show proof of receiving a Pell grant
- You are 20 years or older on the date you submit your application
- You are motivated to intern for a Dutch company
- Your study results are sufficient to complete the internship (at least 3.0 GPA)
Please note that in the following application, the following documents are requested:
- A letter of recommendation: Provide the email of your reference and a request will be sent directly to them
- Proof of how you are financing your education, such as a screenshot of government aid
- Photo or scan of the ID page of your passport
- Resume
- If you do not have an internship in the Netherlands, you are asked to supply a cover letter to a Dutch company, explaining your interest in acquiring an internship in the Netherlands
- Proof of applying to at least 4 internships in the Netherlands
- Transcript with most recent semester grades
Submitting an application does not automatically guarantee acceptance to this program and final decisions are made by an independent internship selection committee.
The Netherland-America Foundation (NAF) provides interest-free loans to eligible Dutch or American students and professionals enrolling in advanced studies (post-baccalaureate) coursework or research at an accredited institution of higher learning in the United States or the Netherlands respectively. The NAF Education Committee reviews loan applications annually. The annual deadline to submit an application is April 15th (end of day). Late submissions will not be reviewed. All loan applications must be completed in English.
Awardees can receive 1 type of loan out of the 4 types offered:
- Maarten van Hengel Study Loan: Applicants must demonstrate a record of superior academic accomplishment. Applicants may apply for up to $20,000.
- Mark Pigott Education Fund Loan: Dutch and American NAF-Fulbright Fellows are eligible to apply for up to $15,000 to supplement their NAF-Fulbright grants.
- NAF Study Loan: Study loans available up to $20,000 for a year of academic study or research.
- Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust Loan: Applicants must demonstrate a record of superior academic accomplishment and leadership capabilities. Applicants may apply for up to $10,000.
During completion of this application, you will be asked to include the following documents:
- Proof of identity: Upload a scan of your passport, driver’s license or identity card.
- Proof of residency: This includes a scan of a utility bill or anything that verifies your residence.
- Current resume/CV
- Copy of grades/transcript
- Proof of admission: Upload a scan of your offer of admission to an academic program in the United States or the Netherlands.
- Two professional recommendation letters: As the applicant, you only need to supply the email address of the reference, who will receive a separate email with instructions for submitting their letter. Letters of recommendation must be written by someone able to attest to the applicant’s academic record and potential within his/her field of study (e.g., former professor, academic advisor, or employer). Personal references are not accepted. Reference letters are due by April 22. If the reference letter is not received by then, the application is incomplete and therefore ineligible for consideration.
- Budget: A table will be included in this application for you to list your estimated budget for the duration of your study program, including sources of income and expenses. This helps the Education Committee understand how you plan to fund your studies.
- Statement of purpose: In no more than 2 pages, briefly state your goals for the period of the loan. How will achieving these goals further your academic or professional development? Why is it important to go abroad to carry out the proposed study program?
- Information for guarantors: A guarantor is an individual who promises to pay a borrower's debt in the event that the borrower defaults on their loan obligation. This program requires one guarantor for loans up to $10,000 and two guarantors for loans up to $20,000. You will also have to provide proof of residence for each guarantor. At the end of this application, please submit a scan of you and your guarantor(s) signatures as acceptance of the terms of agreement.
Applicants will be notified of their award status in mid-May and are subject to a credit check and verification.